so i have won the esteemed power of veto! this game is getting nitty and gritty and i have decided that i must do as i believe is right, and while i feel bad for whom this affects, i feel as though i must not let any power i potentially hold (this was my first win!!!!) get away from me. i must utilize!!! :3
Alright, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to name a replacement nominee but this game has been a bit crazy lately. After having talked to people, I decided to go with the choice that I think is best for my game.
This was a tough decision because I like how upfront you keep things with me. But you know that your true loyalty is not with me. You are a strong competitor and I have a lot of respect for you. This ceremony is adjourned.
I decided to change things up this week and end the week on the block. I did have one good week in the game as HoH, but not much has really worked out for me since. Week 4 Jen gutted me with her tiebreaker vote. Week 5 Sarah gutted me with her nomination. Week 6 David really gutted me with his nomination. And this week Austin puts me up after telling me I wouldn't be his renomination.
Now I sit next to Sarah, someone who put her neck on the line last week by saving Cody's butt with the DPOV. It was an all-in move that was completely unselfish. She and I haven't worked together long, but in this game of faux commitments she's done nothing but let her yet be yes and her no be no to me. Had she not used her diamond power of veto on Cody she would have been safe this week, so give her what she would have deserved in this vote and keep her here. I don't see the game changing for me and she isn't nearly as exhausted as I am.