I'm sitting in my car on my way to work just teeming with confused excitement. I'm so fucking excited that I made final four but for as excited as I am, I'm pissed at Porsche. I even told her about this challenge ahead of time so she could prepare too. She definitely made a very strong, unnecessary enemy. Bad game move, this late in the game.
So after talking to Porsche, it's clear that they set her up to try to turn her against me. The entire time last round, Sarah was saying she was going to most likely keep me but she told Porsche that she would most likely evict me and so would Cody. I still would have cast the vote to keep her if the positions were reversed but I can't really be that mad at her either because she was working with information she had.
There's part of me that looks at the memory wall and is shocked that my face is still in color but there's another part of me that knows I deserve to be here and I worked hard to earn my spot.
I'm probably going to get voted out because this stupid God damned puzzle is impossible. WHERE DO YOU EVEN BEGIN?! HOW DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU HAVE TO POST EVERY 25 SECONDS?! It would have taken me roughly 3.5 years to figure that out so fuck it. I'll just finish in 4th and call it a day.